Madimack Inverflow Pro P500i (2HP)
Madimack’s enhanced inverter technology, InverMAC, is engineered to support inverter motor operation. The inclusion of product specific proprietary technology allows for precise control of motor speed and energy usage across our range. InverMAC technology supports Madimack’s overall position of unrivalled innovation, sustainability and performance. By incorporating inverter motor technology in creative and unique ways, Madimack is leading the way in the development of energy-efficient products.
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Categories: Pumps, Variable Speed Pumps
Real time energy monitor
Intuitively adjusted flow rates to match capacity needs, providing significant energy savings and reduced wear and tear.
Delivering market-leading energy efficiency
Intuitive product protection
Can be controlled at anytime, anywhere.

220 ~ 250 / 50/60 V/Hz
1.4 (2) HP
6.1 Running Amps
472 Qmax (L/min)
20.5 Hmax (m)
460 Circulation Flow (L/min) – 8m
408 Circulation Flow (L/min) – 10m
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